Captools/net Documentation

Clients and Accounts

Clients and Accounts

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Clients and Accounts

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For most users, the Client and Account tables will be central to their use of Captools/net.  In the higher level versions of Captools/net (Pro/Enterprise), the records in these tables allow you to track much of the most essential information about your clients and their accounts.  This includes contact information, personal information (date of birth, citizenship, residency, relatives, tax class, total value of accounts, etc.), client customized reporting specifications, unlimited dated notes, account management specifications (e.g. investment style, fee classes, etc.),  and custodial information.  Such data fields are either not visible or not editable at lower program levels.


The Captools/net Pro-3 and higher client record interface will additionally assist you in managing an electronic document folder for each client, in which you may store their historical Captools/net reports in PDF format, as well as non-Captools/net documents which you've saved or scanned to electronic format such as financial plans, insurance contracts, brokerage statements, etc.


Source of Data - At lower levels of Captools/net software, client and account records will be generally manually entered, but this will generally be a one time setup operation, with no more than occasional maintenance editing.  At the Pro and higher levels of the software, client and account records will generally be populated by import from custodian provided records, but will also usually require one-time supplemental editing of the records to set-up various client and account parameters that control how accounts are managed.  Account subsidiary records such as sub-accounts, account notes and tax rates will typically require some periodic manual data maintenance.